West Carroll Jr./Sr. High School
760 Highway 77
Atwood, TN 38220
PH: 731-662-7116 FX: 731-662-4198

Carroll Junior Senior High School is located in Atwood. The current
school population is approximately 500 students. The current facility
which opened in August 2000 houses all students for grades 7-12 in the
West Carroll Special School District. West Carroll offers both academic
and career and technical programs of study that meet college and
technical school admission requirements. West Carroll Junior-Senior High
School has 29 classrooms, a cafetorium, a media center, two science
labs, a learning computer lab for 7th and 8th grade, a business computer
lab, 3 research computer labs for grades 7-12, Family and Consumer
Science Department, agriculture department, band area, art area, and two
gymnasiums, one for practice and one that will seat approximately 1500
people. The school's athletic program includes softball, baseball,
football, basketball, and cheerleading. All students complete Tennessee
State Department of Education mandated testing that includes the
•· Achievement in grades 7, 8
•· End of Course Testing in grades 9-12
•· Explorer in grade 8
•· PLAN in grade 10
•· ACT in grade 11.
Specific graduation requirements can be obtained by contacting the school.